Sharon Falco
  • Direct: 630-244-8787
  • Office: 630-307-2760
  • Remax Legends Logo
  • 455 N. Roselle Rd. Roselle IL 60172

    Winter Bargains

    Posted Wednesday, January 21, 2015

    Winter HouseIf you want to get great bargains on homes for sale, buy this winter. Who cares that it’s cold and wet outside if you can save thousands of dollars on a home?

    There are an abundance of beautiful, well-maintained homes for sale right now. But there are very few buyers looking at them because it’s cold and dreary. They’d rather wait until spring. That means great prices for you right now!

    Here are a few tips to help you catch a winter bargain:

    • Ask to see summer photos: Want to know what the yard is like in the summer? Look at photos from last summer.
    • Use your imagination: If there’s something you don’t like about the house, imagine what it will look and feel like in warmer weather. The natural light will be brighter, the air will be fresher and the grass will be greener.
    • Offer less: If the homeowners want to get their home sold this winter, they’re going to be more open to considering your offer, even if it’s several thousand dollars less than the asking price. If they’re unwilling to go as low as you’d like on the price, ask for other concessions. You might get the seller to pay for part of your closing costs, buy a home warranty plan or leave the pool table that fits so perfectly in the family room.

    If you’re willing to brave the cold and ignore the winter blues, you could save a bundle when buying a home. Give me a call or email me today and tell me what you want in a home. I’ll put together a list of great homes for sale for you.

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