Sharon Falco
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  • 455 N. Roselle Rd. Roselle IL 60172

    Five Tips to Clean and De-Germ Your Kitchen

    Posted Thursday, June 19, 2014

    The kitchen is the gathering place in most homes. That’s probably why it gets dirty so quickly. A dirty, messy kitchen can make your whole house feel like a disaster. It can also breed germs that are dangerous to you and your family. 

    Here are five cleaning tips to remove bacteria and make your kitchen shine:

    1. Use a paper towel. If you need to clean up a mess from raw meat, eggs or anything likely to cause contamination, use a paper towel and throw it out.
    2. Microwave your sponges. Kitchen sponges are the number one source of germs in most homes. To disinfect a sponge, wet it and pop it in the microwave for two minutes. Depending on the power of your microwave, a dry sponge may catch fire so be sure to wet it first…Or, replace it regularly.
    3. Wipe down surfaces that get touched. Counters, salt and pepper shakers, refrigerator door handles, faucet handles, doorknobs and kitchen light switches need to be cleaned regularly. Most experts suggest cleaning them with a disinfectant spray or wipe.
    4. Clean your cutting board. To clean a plastic cutting board, put it in the dishwasher. The hot water and dishwasher detergent will kill any harmful bacteria from meat or poultry. To clean wooden cutting boards, use a scrub brush. Place the cutting board in a sink of hot water and dish detergent and scrub well. Sanitize all cutting boards by spraying them with a weak bleach solution. It’s also best to designate separate cutting boards for different kinds of food. Keep one for meat and another for fruits and veggies.
    5. Wash your microwave. Slice one whole lemon and put it in a bowl full of water. Place the bowl in the microwave for two minutes, then wipe down the microwave with paper towels. The hot water softens spilled food and the lemon cuts grease and keeps the microwave smelling fresh.

    If you’re looking for homes with kitchens you’ll love spending time in, I can help. Give me a call or email me to start your search!

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